Earth Day Contest

This Friday, April 22nd is Earth Day so let’s celebrate our home planet with a contest. It’s easy to take part in this contest. All you have to do is comment with an answer to this question: how are you making the earth more sustainable? Answer this question below in the comments or on any of our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram or Twitter). Enter once per platform.

Three lucky winners will be drawn at random to win either a Buzz, a Smithsonian Hummingbirds & Flowers or a Smithsonian Raven Steals the Sun. Contest closes Friday 4/22/22 at 9 am Central. You may only win once. Winners will be drawn and announced on Friday and notified via social media. Good luck!

Thank you to everyone that took part in the Earth Day contest. There was a lot of great entries and ideas for making our home more sustainable. Congratulations to Tana V., Melissa E. and Patty, the three drawn winners. Happy Earth Day!


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22 responses to “Earth Day Contest

  1. Janine Krasicky Sadaj

    We recycle as much as we can (especially empty cardboard boxes that deliver my Retro pens) and I also participate in our local Buy Nothing Group instead of throwing away things I don’t want or need. Lastly, we also rescue our dogs vs. buy. We’ve been proud owners of two amazing dogs and our family has rescued more than 400 dogs since they ran a rescue group. No throwing away God’s creatures, best to find them a better home!

  2. michele

    I am vegan, for animals and for the lesser impact that my lifestyle has on the planet. I ride my bicycle when I can, and grow what I can in my garden.

  3. David Petzinger

    I am really looking hard at the recyclable symbols on all packaging to ensure that I’m not putting anything non-recyclable into a recycle bin. It has been surprising to see how much packaging is not recyclable!

  4. Julie Perakslis

    By using refillable/reusable pens 😉
    Also, honestly, plastic is the greatest scourge on the environment in every way, so we use re-useable grocery bags and aluminum water bottles and seriously try to reduce our consumption of plastics.

  5. Derek Hawkins

    I recycle all the cardboard boxes I get my pens in! And all the other boxes from Amazon of course ; )

  6. Mike V.

    I recycle, including clothing– fast fashion does a lot of damage to the environment.

  7. Kym Pearson

    I recycle shopping bags as trash bags.

  8. Patricia Davis

    I started using reusable flatware at work made from recycled plastic and suggested our company gift each employee, for Earth Day, a set to use.

  9. Huyen Chau Moua

    We walk or bike to run errands in town, such as going to the grocery store or paying utilities 🚲

  10. Willene Denney

    We recycle aluminum and plastic and help people when we can, taking them to doctors and stores when they have no way.

  11. Maja Furlong

    Recycling everything we possibly can, both curbside and at the depot (I didn’t know you could recycle old, torn clothing that the thrift stores won’t take!), trying to buy in bulk to save on packaging materials being used, using cloth bags vs. plastic, walking to nearby stores vs. driving.

  12. M Walter

    Started using glass containers to store food items instead of plastic zip bags.

  13. Mark S

    We recycle everything our city center can take. I also pick up discarded recyclable items I fond on my daily walks and take all the recyclable material from my church so it doesn’t end up in a landfill.

  14. MintGreen

    I recycle, and most items go into a bin. But glass does not. I have to take the glass to a special bin at a local grocery store. I try to repurpose items when I can, instead of throwing them away or into the recycle bin. I get gas for the car later in the day, which is supposed to help. And I buy too many fountain pens, so I’m not getting rid of ballpoint pens.

  15. Riding scooter to work instead of SUV.

  16. Tom Jokubaitis

    I do the ordinary recycling stuff and use only organic lawn treatments. I will be installing my fourth pollinator/butterfly/hummingbird garden this spring to go along with my maturing water garden with a waterfall feature. Success has been noted with an increasing number of Monarch butterflies last year and with several Monarch caterpillars as well. I have fed many Swallowtails and other butterfly species from spring through fall with the native plantings via the gardens. Bees have always been in abundance but honeybees have been more recent visitors along with our only native Hummingbird, the Ruby-throated, that I suspect nests nearby. I am in the process of planting more bird friendly trees for birds. The Tupelo tree alongside my patio is an annual fall feast for hundreds of Cedar Waxwings and Robins as they begin their journey south. The southern border of my property has numerous Hydrangea and Elderberry trees for additional food sources for pollinators and birds. Always fun to sit on the patio with binoculars to take note of garden visitors and record their activity with my favorite Retro 51s – Buzz is a must and now The Hummingbird will have to share time.

    • Janine S.

      Great minds think alike! I also have a few pollinator beds in our yard and keep adding more native plants to help the Monarchs and our environment!

  17. Nina MacKenzie

    Happy to drive a hybrid (my 4th hybrid or all electric vehicle). Happy to recycle and up-cycle. And I never use DISPOSABLE PENS!

  18. Patty

    we recycle everything we can and try to buy local when possible

  19. Adrienne Neilson

    I thrift all my clothes(even my wedding dress is thrifted), I follow a plant-based diet, my primary transportation is my bike or carpooling, I use only reusable bags, and have been slowly trying to reduce my overall waste.

  20. Curt Mortis

    I recycle everything! I live in a city that recycles 100% trash.

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